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Registration Successful!

Registration Confirmation

Thank you for registering with South Lakes Housing’s My Account service. Please use the login section to get startedCIVICA

Thank you for registering with South Lakes Housing’s My Account service. Please use the login section to get startedCIVICA

Enter Registration Details

Please complete all mandatory information marked with a *
Date Of Birth is required
Surname is a required field
Activation code is a required field
Surname is a required field
Reference Number is a required field
Activation code is a required field

Lost Your Activation Code?

You will need to contact us before trying to register for My Account and we will send you your Reference number and your Activation Code

Call us 0300 303 8540 or Email us customerservices@southlakeshousing.co.uk

Your Details

Please complete all mandatory information marked with a *
First name
Date of birth
{{ vm.accountDetails.dob | date:'dd/MM/yyyy' }}

Account Details

Email is required
Email is not in a valid format
Email is not in a valid format
Confirm email is required
Email is not in a valid format
Email is not in a valid format
Password is required
Password is not in a valid format {{ vm.passwordvalidationinfo}}
Confirm password is required
Passwords do not match
Secret question is required
Secret answer is required

Need Some Help?

If you require any help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Call us 0300 303 8540 or Email us customerservices@southlakeshousing.co.uk